Thursday, July 14, 2016

Hatching blastocyst

No big surprise: hatching blastocysts have better pregnancy outcomes than their non-hatching counterparts.  (Every milestone they reach is a good sign….)

We used a number of hatching blastocysts (and even one hatched!), all ones that were frozen on day 6.  We did have “better” luck with the hatching than the non-hatching day 6 embryos (all of our “hatching” ones at least started to implant, while our only cycle that did not at least lead to implantation was an early day 6), but none of our day 6 embryos, hatching or otherwise, ended up leading to a child.


  1. Don't know if you will get notification of this. Just wanted to say i still think about you, and I hope you are okay xx

    1. Thanks Emily! Things are going well. How are you??

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