Sunday, August 18, 2019

My body’s not a wonderwall (yet)

Baby turned 15 months recently, and he’s amazing. He’s not the world’s #1 talker (everyone keeps reminding us not to compare the baby with my older kid—who was practically talking in complete sentences at this age), but he’s very sweet. He’s also the craziest little baby—climbing everything he can. He’s a tiny menace.

The day he turned 1 I threw my breast pump in the basement and I never looked back. He nursed “recreationally” for another month or so, but he stopped asking and I stopped offering and that was that. Completely done by 15 months. And then I decided to try to get my body back.

I’ve been pretty seriously exercising since he was three months old, but from experience I know that those last so many lbs are going to stick around until the milk stops flowing. And that continues to be true. I dropped a few pounds basically the minute I stopped nursing and am now within less than 10 lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight. (My mom recently said I looked too thin, so I know I’m on the right track!) Of course, weight is only part of the issue—I still have that loose mommy tummy going on. I’m not sure how realistic it is to hope that at 41 years old my stomach is going to go back to the way that it was. I can almost fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes, that’s going to have to be good enough.

And even if I never get my body back (which I think is likely), it was all worth it! That tiny little man (who still doesn’t say da-da but knows the word for his pee-pee) is amazing.