Saturday, April 9, 2016

I'd hug you, but I'm not wearing any pants

I had my (hopefully!) last appointment with my fertility doctor yesterday. My 9w6d ultrasound was good. Baby was measuring on target and even moved! (Doc said that was a good developmental sign.) Gestational sac was good, yolk sac was still small but it grew! 3.4mm. There was no sign of the hematoma. And that head looks round! They still want me to take things easy, but I can start doing some gentle activity if I want. (I cross-examined the doc and ultrasound tech--do you see ANYTHING that concerns you. No.)

At the end of the appointment, my doc got a little emotional. He was like, we've been through a lot. (It's true, we have!) He made me promise to give them the update. He acknowledged that pregnancy is fraught with risks, but he's hopeful this one will work out. I sort of felt like everyone was giving me a salute as I walked out!

Of course, it turns out I'm going back next week. My blood levels are ok (estradiol 1,316, progesterone 30.0). I'm going to one estrogen pill a day, but staying on the shots until at least next week, when I have another blood draw. I think they want to see that progesterone level higher to show my placenta has taken over. 

So, how do I feel? Physically, I'm fine. I mean, I'm getting over the worst cold I ever had. (I was worried all the sneezing/coughing was going to make my hematoma worse.) But other than that--I'm fine. I don't feel pregnant. (No morning sickness, grr.) Emotionally, I'm going to be scared shitless the whole time. But I'm going to try to stay positive.

Next stop, high risk OB in 2 weeks!

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