Wednesday, April 23, 2014


How did we get here? Well, after our son was born at the beginning of 2012, we immersed ourselves into parenting. It was exhausting (6 weeks in I got shingles!), and stressful, and wonderful. After I (reluctantly) stopped breastfeeding at the beginning of 2013 (his choice, not mine), we waited a couple of months for my period to return. Once that happened, we started trying to get pregnant again. No ovulation predictor kits, no fertility monitors, no body temperature measurements--just low-key. I allowed myself to hope that I would be one of those people whose bodies "just figure it out" after being pregnant once before.


We tried for about 9 mos. Nothing. Now, admittedly, there were months when due to our travel schedules etc. we probably missed the window, but we felt like we'd given it enough time--especially with our significant history of infertility and our now advancing ages. (I was 29 when we first started to get pregnant and I am now--gulp!--35.) Plus, if we are lucky enough to have a second kid, we'd love for them to be about 3 years apart, which meant we didn't have a ton of time.

So we made the easy decision to take another stab (jab? poke?) at IVF.

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