Monday, March 21, 2016

"Injecting" some levity

I feel like my posts have been really sad recently, so I want to post a few funny anecdotes.

First, I’m still doing the intermuscular progesterone shots.  Yes, the needles as big as toothpicks.  I think my husband hates giving me the shots more than I hate getting them.  Anyway, the other day my husband had just given me my shot and he was getting ready to put a Band-Aid on the spot.  The un-sheathed needle was sitting on our coffee table.  As he reached for the Band-Aid, he bumped the needle and it fell off of the table—and right into his leg!  I heard “aaaaaaah!” and then turned around to see the needle stuck through his pants and deep into his thigh.  I know it really hurt, but the look on his face (“oh, SHIT! That dirty needle sticking out of me really f-ing hurts!”) was priceless.  I could not stop laughing for like five minutes.  He  was pretty good natured about it.

Second, when we went to our heart beat appointment last week, we bumped into one of my husband’s good friends on his way out.  We had no idea he was seeing a fertility doctor, but he just got married and he and his wife are older, so no surprise.  Anyway, he was alone.  There’s only one thing a man is doing at a fertility doc’s office alone—leaving a sample (blood or… the other kind).  And he was coming from the part of the office where you only leave one kind of sample.  He was obviously pretty embarrassed.  We assured him—truthfully—that we bump into people there all the time.  My husband texted him after that he was sorry we interrupted his walk of shame.  ;)

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