Saturday, July 2, 2011

A uterine aneurysm?!?... Maybe....

Went back to the doctor.  Both he and the ultrasound tech seemed shocked by what they saw.

It looked almost exactly the same as yesterday.  It still appeared to be an active bleed--the blood was pulsing with my heart beat--but the "clot" had not gotten any bigger and the blood did not appear to be going anywhere.

It turns out I don't have a blood clot or an active bleed.

Instead, I have an enlarged blood vessel.  Blood goes in (like a river) expands into a large space (like a lake) then goes back out (river again).  Sounds like an aneurysm, right?  (Although the doctor never actually used the "a" word.)

My doctor has never seen something like this before.  (That's never good.)

He ordered that I remain on bed rest.  He did not seem overly worried about my health, although he said to contact the office immediately in case of any bleeding.  (Obviously if there's a lot of blood I'm going to the hospital.)  The prognosis for baby is less clear.  If this thing never ruptures or gets any bigger (it's like 3cm x 3cm now) the doc seems to think that would be okay (not ideal).  If it blows or grows, that's obviously really bad.

I have another appointment early next week.  Depending on what we see, I'm going to see about having him refer me to a high-risk OB.

Unbelievable, right?

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