Sunday, October 19, 2014


I pre-wrote this post.  As optimistic as I initially was about my hatchling, I was going to say I don’t think it worked.  No implantation bleeding.  (A very, very, very tiny amount of old brown dried blood a few days after the procedure, but I could have been because the doc accidentally pinched my inner lady bits during the procedure.)  My sore boobs do not appear in the morning until I take my estrogen.  No nausea.
BUT, I had one last pesky pregnancy test floating around in my bathroom.  A really nice one—a Clearblue digital.  And I thought, what the heck?  So 8dp6dt (8 days after my 6-day hatched embryo transfer) and two days before my scheduled blood test, I took the plunge.  PREGNANT!  I had to read the result (which says “PREGNANT”) three times before I believed it.  Yay!
BUT THEN the next day (24 hours after the test and 24 hours before my blood test) I started having very strange bleeding.  STOP READING NOW IF YOU DO NOT LIKE TMI.  I’ve had implantation bleeding before—it was like a really, really light period that just lasted half of a day.  And at least for the one kid who actually made it to the end, it was the day before my blood test confirming the pregnancy.  So the timing of this seems like it could be implantation bleeding.  But it’s not the same as last time.  It’s, frankly, gross.  Imagine a tablespoon of chocolate chips blended up into a tiny chunks slurried with someone’s snot.  That’s what it’s like.  Super dark (black/brown).  Snotty and clotty.  Seems a little gritty.  I actually had a small clot.  It lasted maybe a day and was about 2-3 tablespoons or so in volume.  But it was freakin’ gross. 
So, where does that leave us?  I guess it could be implantation bleeding.  (Especially if it stops.) The dark color suggests that it’s old blood (red is new blood).  So that’s good.  (Active miscarriages tend to be the red blood, not brown.  But the brown blood can also be a sign of an impending miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.  *Shudder.*)  I’ve also read that the kind of progesterone I am on—crinone (a change in protocol from my last FET cycle)—can cause some spotting/discharge.  If I hadn’t taken a pregnancy test, I would have taken it as a good sign—potential implantation bleeding.  But having had my BFP, it’s a little unnerving to see chunks.
So let’s not get too excited just yet.  I’ve been pregnant FIVE times and yet I only have one kid.  I know as much as anyone that getting pregnant is only the first step in the process.  And the miscarriage rate for frozen embryos is really high, with better quality embryos less likely to miscarry:
(Although this study is from 2006, based on data from 1997-2001, and I think freezing technology is getting better and better.)  So I just have to accept that I have a VERY good chance of miscarriage.  Whether it’s already started or whether this one is going all the way, only time will tell.

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