Sunday, October 12, 2014

Transfer day info

Our second B3 thawed successfully and was used on transfer day. It was the hatching blastocyst that I always thought (based on my extensive medical knowledge of embryology... Not...) should have been used. I was not quite lucid due to the Valium (which I thought was to help me relax--nope! To help my uterus relax!) so I can't recall if they said it was hatching or hatched. (Hatched would be very rare--the nurse said maybe 1% of their transfers are hatched embryos.) But it was at least hatching--beyond the "assisted hatching" they do--and I was told that was a good sign. Someone spitballed a 50% success rate based on that fact alone, and she thought it might even implant that day! Safe travels hatching B3.

We still have one more (the crappy one!) frozen. Sleep well crappy.

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