Sunday, October 11, 2015

To pee (on a HPT) or not to pee, that is the question

For my first pregnancy, I did not take a home pregnancy test (HPT). I waited for the blood test to be taken at the end of the two-week wait, and was legitimately surprised (although I suspected) when I got the call from the doctor’s office that it worked.

Sometime after that, I heard / read that you can take HPTs days before the blood test at the doctor’s office and get an accurate result. So for every cycle since then, I have taken a home pregnancy test two days before the blood test. And they have always been right. 

Recently, I read that some pregnancy tests can give results FIVE days before a missed period (or five days before the clinic blood test at my doctor’s office). So I bought the (allegedly) most sensitive ones and started testing way earlier than normal for this cycle.

The allegedly most accurate drugstore ones are Clearblue Easy Earliest Result Pregnancy Test (25 mIU/ml) and First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test (25 mIU/ml):

Bad idea. Either it’s positive, but you know there’s a risk that things could go south any way, or it’s negative and you’re devastated but hopeful anyway. Either way it sucks. The blood test at the doc’s office is best because it tells you both if you’re pregnant and how healthy the pregnancy is.

All three of my HPTs this time were negative. At least I knew what result to expect at the doc’s office—negative.  The blood test confirmed it—HCG level of 2 which means implanted but going nowhere, or “not pregnant.”  Fuck.

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